Trump Endorsement Changes South Dakota Landscape

Sioux Falls, SD – [9-12-2024] – Initiative Measure 29 (IM29), the ballot initiative to legalize adult-use cannabis in South Dakota, is gaining widespread support from Republicans, Democrats, and other political groups across the state. Today’s press conference highlights IM 29 as perhaps the one issue that Republicans and Democrats will be aligned on this November.  IM29 aims to legalize and regulate cannabis for adults 21 and older, addressing critical issues like criminal justice reform, personal freedom, and government efficiency.

“Voting Yes on IM29 is a vote to stop government waste,” said Deb Peters, head of the Cannabis Industry Association of South Dakota (CIASD). “By regulating cannabis, we can ensure that resources aren’t wasted on enforcing outdated laws and instead can be allocated to areas that benefit all South Dakotans.”

The initiative has received backing from a variety of political organizations and grassroots efforts, reflecting the widespread desire for change. Tribal leaders also support IM29, recognizing the economic opportunities and self-regulation benefits it offers for their communities.

Recent GOP voter data shows a marked change in Republican support for cannabis legalization over the last two election cycles. In 2020, only 25% of South Dakota Republicans supported cannabis legalization, but by 2022, that number had increased to 40%, signaling a shift in the party’s stance on the issue. Trump’s recent endorsement of recreational cannabis has further shifted the landscape, highlighting a growing national movement toward legalization.

“This campaign is about giving South Dakotans the freedom they’ve asked for in past elections,” said Brad Jurgensen, from Yes on 29. “Legalizing cannabis will reduce unnecessary government spending, bring needed reform to our justice system, and decrease the black market by regulating cannabis sales. Drug Dealers don’t test and they don’t pay taxes.” 

IM29 advocates believe this cross-party support highlights how out-of-touch current cannabis laws are with the will of South Dakota voters. Legalizing adult-use cannabis will generate significant tax revenue, increase public safety through regulated sales, and protect personal liberties.

Supporters urge South Dakotans to visit for more information and ways to get involved.

About IM29

IM29 is a ballot initiative that seeks to legalize adult-use cannabis in South Dakota for adults 21 and over. It includes provisions for regulating the industry, ensuring public safety, and providing a framework for the state to benefit from cannabis-related tax revenue. The initiative enjoys support from multiple political groups, tribal leaders, and grassroots organizations across South Dakota.

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